Teens and Portfolio Students
The emphasis of the projects is put on mastering the classical drawing and exposing students to different specializations in art industry. Paintings are scrutinized to decipher artist’s ideas and direction in life. The purpose of this work analysis is to help a student establish independent critical thinking and develop artistic taste.
As older students approach the time when a decision is made to pursue a career in arts, we will offer all the possible help in portfolio preparation for a program of interest. The projects for an individual student will be modified to meet his/her portfolio requirements.
What students do:
Still Life: Still object drawing or painting to study composition, proportions, relationship between light and shadow, relationship between colours.
Sketchbook: Students are asked to do observational drawing in their sketchbooks.
Human anatomy study: Students study human anatomy by painting and drawing a human figure and portraits.
Perspective study: A study of linear perspective. Students learn three types of perspective, one-point, two-points and three-points.
Principles of design: Through special exercises students learn how to manipulate a visual representation of different objects or scenes by means of colour, shape and line.
Sculpture: Working with natural clay to produce three dimensional sculptures.
The studio offers uninstructed life drawing sessions to build outstanding portfolios and learn human anatomy from professional models. Please check Life Drawing Page for more details.